27 April 2020

The 6H- can you afford not to look?

Available for immediate delivery, the Landini 6H Series. This heavy duty tractor is suitable for all your requirements. With a horsepower range from 110-126, […]
22 April 2020

Organic farming: why you can no longer ignore this important phenomenon

Organic farming is a fast-growing sector, throughout Europe and around the world. Organic land now covers almost 70 million acres for a market of […]
14 April 2020

Sustainable agriculture: what it is and why we need to know

We often hear about sustainable agriculture, a very fashionable subject, yet there is some confusion surrounding its meaning. What does sustainable agriculture actually mean? […]
26 March 2020

Argo Tractors S.p.A. – Operational and organizational updates

In order to comply with the statements of the Italian government of March 22nd 2020 and with the aim of actively contributing to the reduction of […]
18 March 2020

What changes does the Mother Regulation entail?

There has been much talk about the Mother Regulation, the European regulation for the type-approval of tractors, trailers and towed equipment. This measure aims […]
5 March 2020

REXperience, the new tour of Landini specialty tractors

For all those professionals who wish to evaluate the performance of our specialty tractors, we have created a complete, personalised one-on-one experience with the […]
3 March 2020

Landini Service 2.0: the new digital tools at the service of customers

In order to offer our customers faster and more timely solutions, we are introducing some new digital tools to support our dealers. The new […]
24 February 2020

EIMA 2020

Landini will be present at EIMA 2020. Bologna, November 11th – 15th.
20 February 2020

Landini shines at FIMA 2020

The next edition of FIMA will be an ideal moment to learn about latest releases from Landini. Above all it will be an opportunity […]

agricoltura di precisione